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17 March, 2008


Today I was rmbring that old Doordarshan clip that used to come .....Ek Titli, Anek Titliyan....rmbr?....gawd...it just brought back so many memories...eating guavas with black salt sittin in the sunny part of the balcony with my sis immersed in a book....eating rajma chawal..and some fortunate days...baigan ka bharta n raita n rice...man....i used to take it all for granted...i miss verything soo much now...the summer holidays at my nani's place...my bade papa....man...i wish i cld visit him...my nani passed away abt 6 yrs back...i never forgave myself fr not showing my love more..for being this stupid self-obsessed girl at that time...hmm....the old LP's i used to listen to at my nani's place...the mangoes...peeling one orange after another...drinking foamy elaichi milk in the night...sleeping on the terrace with all my cousins ..chatting away...telling stories..listening to stories...pickles...my mom sunning the raw mangoes on the cot in the balcony...my mom sitting in the balcony drying her long wet hair in the sun...my father reading the newspaper on a sunday morning...my sis with oil in her hair studyin sitting on the bed...all of us sitting under India Gate...with the cool breeze blowing eating ice creams and my father telling us stories about his childhood....mann!!!!!!!!!!!...i really miss it....hmm...i really miss them.....


Anonymous said...

Hey this is my favourite clip too :) I have it in my orkut profile alongwith mile sur mera tumhara....remember?

Mahogany said...

My favorite Delhi memory is sitting in the sun on the terrace during winter vacations and reading one book after another. Sigh.
